Rafalskiy O., Samchuk Z. Civilizational crossroads of modern society.
ISBN 978-966-02-8596-5
Original name: Рафальський О.О., Самчук З.Ф. Цивілізаційні перехрестя сучасного суспільства. – К.: ІПіЕНД ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2018. – 688 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-8596-5
Modern society is characterized by the ambivalence and contradiction of the functional foundations: the real and proper, manifestation of the purpose and means of its achievement, the infinite of information possibilities and the unprecedented manipulation of mass consciousness, the awareness of personal development as the main resource of progressive social development, and the widespread and continuous neglect of the needs of the individual in order to satisfy the utterly demands of conjuncture. The additional problem pressure on the present state of affairs is made by the factors of globalism and consumerism: they inadvertently force the individual to get used to the idea that the best life strategy is to drift, therefore efforts should be spent only on the detection of the current and its underwater reefs. Such a simplistic world-wide demarcation affects literally everything - from the life's unpretentiousness of the average individual to destructive infantilism of politicians and managers in the process of making fatal social decisions. The hope for salvation is gained by the accumulated over the centuries cultural and civilization capital, which always helps to determine correctly the azimuths of life priorities.
The target audience of the monograph is scholars, teachers, politicians, managers and, in general, researchers of society as a diverse system.