Rafalskyi I.O. National and state self-determination of Ukraine: internal factors and external influences.
ISBN 978-617-640-301-2
Original name: Рафальський І.О. Національно-державне самовизначення України: внутрішні чинники та зовнішні впливи. – Київ: ІПіЕНД ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2016. – 480 с.
ISBN 978-617-640-301-2
The monograph is dedicated to the conceptualizing the concept and revealing the phenomenon of the national and state self-determination of Ukraine as integral, dynamic socio-political phenomenon, that changes and reveals under the influence of external and internal factors of state and political, socio-economic, national and cultural content. The domestic and foreign factors which influence the process of national and state self-determination, since the epoch of Perestroika in the USSR up to the present time, are analysed. The current trends in the social and political development of contemporary Ukraine are defined.
The monograph is intended for scientists who study the problems of ethno-political science, the processes of social and political development. At the same time, this book can be useful to post-graduates, students, and everyone who is interested in politics, and intends to evaluate the actual events in this filed and predict their development.