Regional political elites in Ukraine: analysis of literature on the problem and characteristic of the empirical basis for the study of the phenomenon (end of 1991-2018)

Regional political elites in Ukraine: analysis of literature on the problem and characteristic of the empirical basis for the study of the phenomenon (end of 1991-2018)

ISBN 978-966-02-9054-9

Original name:

Регіональні політичні еліти в Україні: аналіз літератури з проблеми та характеристика емпіричної бази для вивчення феномену (кінець 1991-2018 рр.) / За ред. М.С. Кармазіної Київ. ІПіЕНД ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2019. 264 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-9054-9

The research is devoted to the analysis of literature on the problem of studying the phenomenon of political elites in Ukraine as a whole and at the regional level in the period from the end of 1991 - 2018, and in particular in such regions as Vinnytsia, Lviv, Poltava, Sumy and Chernivtsi oblasts.

The source base, the empirical material on the functioning of regional elites are characterized, and the further analysis should facilitate critical and impartial thinking on the issue.

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