Shaihorodskyi Yu. Politics: reality and myth interaction
ISBN 978-966-316-258-4
Original name: Шайгородський Ю. Ж. Політика: взаємодія реальності і міфу : [монографія] / Інститут політичних і етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І.Ф.Кураса НАН України. — К. : Знання України, 2009. — 400с
ISBN 978-966-316-258-4
In the monograph, the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of politics through a prism of its scientific and mythological components' interaction are studied. The essence of a political myth, its role in formation of political consciousness and political life is revealed. Specifics of modern development of Ukraine in a context of real polici and myth's two - way influence are analyzed. The processes of political myths' designing are given. The attention is paid that the system of symbols, which represents a basis of myth creativity, should be used for realisation of positive public changes.
The edition is intended for, first of all, scientists who analyze problems of political process’ development. At the same time, the book can be useful for post-graduate students, students, all who is interested in politics, seek to estimate actual events in this sphere and to predict their development.