Soldatenko V. Concepts of the ukrainian revolution and the national unity in the light of political practice of 1917–1920

Soldatenko V. Concepts of the ukrainian revolution and the national unity in the light of political practice of 1917–1920

Soldatenko V. F. Concepts of the Ukrainian revolution and national unity in the light of political practice of 1917 and 1920 : monograph. Kyiv : Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the NAS of Ukraine, 2023. 608 p.
ISBN 978-617-14-0125-9

Original name:

Солдатенко В. Ф. Концепції української революції та національної соборності у світлі політичної практики 1917–1920 років : монографія. Київ : Інститут політичних і етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І. Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2023. 608 с.
ISBN 978-617-14-0125-9

In the monograph, an attempt is made to recreate the complex and contradictory process of ideological substantiation of the organically interconnected concepts of the Ukrainian national-democratic revolution and national unity, to trace their essential evolution under the influence of the experience of implementation in social and political practice in 1917–1920. Scientific analysis and evaluations have been carried out in the context of historiographic trends of different periods and schools.

The study was carried out within the framework of the research work "The Concept of the Unity of Ukraine: Origins, Evolution, Political Relevance" (state registration number: 0122U000572).

The book is intended for scholars, teachers of history, political science, graduate students, and anyone interested in Ukrainian political history and contemporary socio-political development of Ukraine.

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Chapter І. Revolutionary explosion and theoretical searches of the national perspective

Chapter II. Historical turning point and choice of social alternatives

Chapter III. Conservative retreat and attempts to consolidate ethnic branches of Ukraine

Chapter IV. The return to the revolutionary path and the problems of implementing updated
political and state initiatives

Chapter V. The final phase of the military-revolutionaryn struggle and the results of the realization of the concepts of national progress


You can view the contents (in original language) here