Soldatenko V.F. Ukraine in a revolutionary epoch.

ISBN 978-966-8690-96-9
Original name: Солдатенко В.Ф. “Україна в революційну добу: Іст. есе-хроніки: У 4-х т.: Т.1: Рік 1917. – Х.”: Прапор, 2008. – 560 с.
ISBN 978-966-8690-96-9
In the edition, in a chronologic sequence, the development of historical events in Ukraine on a critical border – during revolutions 1917 – 1920 years is reproduced.
The first book is devoted to 1917 during which February and October revolutions were in progress, the national democratic revolution began and gained considerable scales. It is opened up interdependence, two-way influence of social and national liberation processes, which are lately being studied mainly as independent, separate objects in violation of imagination integrity about the real experience in all its many-sided nature and multidimensionalness.
The monograph is intended for academicians, lecturers, students, all who is interested in the history of Ukraine.