Soldatenko V. Ukraine: the revolutionary era and the following decades: historical and historiographical essays.

Soldatenko V. Ukraine: the revolutionary era and the following decades: historical and historiographical essays.

ISBN 978-966-02-9563-6

Original name:

Солдатенко В.Ф. Україна: революційна доба й наступні десятиліття: історико-історіографічні есе. Київ: ІПіЕНД ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2021. – 520 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-9563-6

The collection includes 18 materials published or prepared for publication by the author over the last five years. They reflect the scientific search, which is filled with domestic historical science, which develops current issues of experience of the XX century. Some of the publications devoted to projects carried out jointly with foreign colleagues have appeared in Russian-language publications and are little known to Ukrainian readers. In preparation for publication, all of them were revised, if necessary, they were made with the necessary corrections and minimal additions to agree between the plots of the book. In the case of reprints, the texts are submitted mainly in the original version and form of the relevant publication, indicating the republics, or, in case of some differences, those that are given authorial preference.

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