State and Civil Society in Ukraine: searching for the concept of cooperation: analytical report
ISBN 978-966-02-7119-7
Original name: Держава і громадянське суспільство в Україні: пошук концепції співпраці: аналітична доповідь / за ред. О.М.Майбороди. - К.: ІПіЕНД ім. І.Ф.Кураса HAH України, 2013.-376 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-7119-7
Analytical report is a result of research “Conceptual foundations of State Policy for the development of civil society and the consolidation of the individual”, which was carried out in I.F. Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2013. It summarized the most authoritative and proposed new theoretical and methodological approaches to solving practical problem of cooperation between authorities and civil society in Ukraine.