The culture of historical memory: the European and Ukrainian experience
ISBN 978-966-02-6839-5
Original name: Культура історичної пам’яті: європейський та український досвід / Ш24 [Ю. Шаповал, Л.Нагорна, О.Бойко та ін.]; за загальною редакцією Ю.Шаповала. – Київ: ІПІЕНД, 2013. – 600 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-6839-5
Historical memory is conventional and fragile construct that builds up in the collision of political and corporate interests, ideological directives. The lack of the united, conceptual, symbolic scope in Ukraine is now one of the most critical of those which support the state of the permanent identification crisis.
The authors considered the problem in the study of the key issues, both practical and theoretical, which ignored could lead to an escalation of memorabilia wars and deepening split of the symbolic space. How to prevent it? The authors of the book are trying to find an answer to this question.
The book is intended for specialists and a wide range of readers.