The phenomenon “revolution” – in discourse of thinkers, politicians, and scientists / Monograph.
ISBN 978-966-02-6655-1
Original name: Бевз Т.А. Феномен «революція» - у дискурсах мислителів, політиків, науковців / Монографія. – К., 2012. – 176 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-6655-1
In the monograph, the evolution of the term “revolution” in social and political thought: from astronomical conception to the political, as well as the “phenomenon” of the revolution as a kind of multiplicity that occurs at the intersection of different discourses (political, social, religious and scientific). Revolution is examined as a natural form of society’s development, which is caused by the same reasons, as evolution. An attempt was made to estimate the revolution and the idea of revolution in terms of the present with specific and historical conditions, in which the revolutionary events occurred and the idea and mode of revolution was born.