The political regime and people in Ukraine: political analysis [Monograph]
ISBN 978-966-02-6212-6
Original name: Політичний режим і народовладдя в Україні: політологічний аналіз: [Монографія] / За ред. проф. Ф.М. Рудича. – К.: ІПіЕНД ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2011. – 456 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-6212-6
On the basis of a wide array of national and foreign scientific sources, analysis of modern political realities, it is considered one of the important problems of political science - the problem of the political regime and democracy. The methodological context of the stated problems is disclosed, the classification of the forms of government, especially the political regime as authoritative order, is characterized. The theoretical basis and tendencies in the making democracy in Ukraine are given. The characteristics of the leading political regimes in Russia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Baltics, Central and Eastern and Western Europe are shown.