V. Kotygorenko. Ethnic Tensions and Conflicts in Contemporary Ukraine: A Politological Concept

ISBN 966-95360-4-3
Original name: Котигоренко В.О. Етнічні протиріччя і конфлікти в сучасній Україні: політологічний концепт. – К.: Світогляд, 2004. – 722 с.
ISBN 966-95360-4-3
The monograph represents the results of a broad research of ethnic tensions and conflicts in contemporary Ukraine. The nature, content and dynamics of these ethnic tensions and conflicts were represented here as a part of the past Communist system's legacy as well as the result of specific developments in demographic and social structure of Ukrainian society. Among other instrumental factors of ethnic tensions, brought under analysis, there are specific features of Ukrainian economy and politics, cultural traditions, public conscience and psychology, geopolitical and civilizational challenges of modernity, activization of ethnic communities in manifestation and advocacy of their interests in the course of and after the proclamation of independence of Ukraine. Author advances original theoretical and methodological basis for this research, formulates recommendations regarding the possibilities and means of resolving ethnic tensions and conflicts and preventing their escalation into intense conflicts. The book is intended for political analysts, students in humanities, politicians, public leaders, ethnic communities activists.