Valeryi F. Soldatenko “Demiurges of the revolution: the studies on the party history of Ukraine 1917-1920
ISBN 978-966-00-1602-6
Original name: В.Ф. Солдатенко. “Деміурги революції: нарис партійної історії України 1917-1920 рр.” – НВП «Видавництво «Наукова думка» НАН України, 2017
ISBN 978-966-00-1602-6
The monograph outlines the historical milestones of the era of revolutions and the Civil War of 1917 - 1920 in Ukraine, the decisive role of which belonged to political parties. On the basis of a comprehensive systematic study and a comparative analysis of the activities of all parties - the leaders of revolutionary dynamics, in particular, the stages of their development and ideological and theoretical evolution, the implemented strategy and tactics, the peculiarities of the relationship - from cooperation and blocking to confrontation and antagonistic hostility, the struggle for "destruction", the author proposes a constructive way of a realistic reconstruction of contemporary social processes, which, in turn, enable us to comprehend the essence and logic of complex, contradictory events of the revolution and to give an objective assessment of their consequences. The work, offered to the reader, is one of the first attempts to reproduce a very difficult, holistic party history of the revolutionary era.
The monograph is intended for scientists, lecturers, graduate students, students of higher educational institutions, as well as for all those who are deeply interested in the history of Ukraine.