Zaremba O.V, Fedorenko O.A. Geopolitical ideas and hypotheses in the Ukrainian political thought of XX – beginning of XXI century.

Zaremba O.V, Fedorenko O.A. Geopolitical ideas and hypotheses in the Ukrainian political thought of XX – beginning of XXI century.

ISBN 978-966-2506-02-0

Original name:

Заремба О.В., Федоренко О.А. Геополітичні ідеї та гіпотези в українській політичній думці ХХ – початку ХХІ століття. – К.: «Золотые ворота», 2013 – 209 с.
ISBN 978-966-2506-02-0

This monograph deals with the problems of studying the history of geopolitical thought, the geopolitical realities of the modern Ukrainian state. It is covered the issue of Ukraine's national interests in the post bipolar world and in the context of geopolitical ideas discourse at the beginning of the XXI century.

The book is intended for researchers, teachers, students and anyone who is interested in the geopolitical features of Ukraine as attempts of the modern world.

You can view the contents (in original language) here