Zelenko G.I. “The Political «matrix» of civil society: Countries’ experience of Vishegradskoy group and Ukraine.”
ISBN 978-966-316-190-7
Original name: Зеленько Г.І. Політична «матриця» громадянського суспільства: Досвід країн Вишеградської групи та України. – К.: Знання України, 2007. – 336 с. – Бібліогр.: 308-335.
ISBN 978-966-316-190-7
Offered monograph is devoted to the comparative analysis (by example of the Vishegradskoy group countries and Ukraine) the whole set of political and legal institutes and mechanisms (endogenous and exogenous character), under the influence of which, transitional societies acquire the features of civil. In the work, not so much questions which are directly connected with existence and functioning such phenomenon as civil society are examined, because political and legal questions, which on the face of it, only indirectly touch on the general situation of social activity, however at efficient use, they can become effective instruments as for forming the democracy as for transition society in the civil quality.
The monograph is intended for political scientists, historians, politicians, and all, who is interested in the process of the civil society development in the countries of young democracy.