Subject of Ukraine in the modern world: assessments, strategies, forecasts. Analytical report.

ISBN 978-966-02-9533-9
Original name: Суб’єктність України в сучасному світі: оцінки, стратегії, прогнози. Аналітична доповідь. / за ред. О.М. Майбороди. Київ: Інститут політичних і етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2020. 88с.
ISBN 978-966-02-9533-9
The paper considers a set of issues related to the formation of the civilizational subject of Ukraine at the present stage - identifies the causes and factors that inhibit the formation of geopolitical and geoeconomic subject of Ukraine, establishes the degree of adaptation of domestic legislation and law enforcement system to the European model. manifestations in the spiritual life and culture of Ukraine, the general prospects of establishing Ukraine as a subject of Western civilization on the defining political, socio-economic, legal, spiritual characteristics.
The analytical report was prepared based on the results of the research "Subject of Ukraine in the modern world: assessments, strategies, forecasts" for the Competition of social and humanitarian projects of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.